With three decades of combined experience, supplying waste water systems to organisations across Africa, Bio Sewage Systems are now available direct to the end-consumer, enabling you to take advantage of proven technology that can be installed in almost any location, producing clean, clear, odourless water which is suited to a wide number of applications.

To support our commitment to conserving energy, helping to keep the environment healthy and reducing overall water consumption, the end result of our process can be used for irrigation, car washing, game watering holes, garden watering and more.

Our systems have proven over a period of 18 years to be:

​We have designed our systems to utilize simple mechanical processes, thus reducing and simplifying maintenance. Most spares parts are available from any hardware store throughout Southern Africa. The secret of our systems efficiency lies in the manipulation of natural processes within the tanks, rather than in expensive and complex pumps and blowers.

In the past three years we have installed in excess of 50 plants throughout Southern Africa, and each one boasts positive feedback from the satisfied clients.

Our waste water treatment systems have been designed to help you reduce your carbon footprint over their lifecycle, and with low energy use and very little maintenance required, we’re confident our installations are the future of sewage treatment. In direct contrast to soak-aways and septic tanks, we use an active process to break down both grey and black water to produce an end result that’s low in dissolved organic compounds and nutrients such as total nitrogen.

This enables our sewage treatment solutions to meet the current legislated requirements for waste water and effluent purification, and our modular systems can be tailored to meet any demand.

Spend a few minutes browsing our site, then contact us to discuss our environmentally-responsible sewage treatment systems. We’ll be happy to offer the help and information you need to take advantage of our affordable and efficient waste water solutions.

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